QRU Quick Start

Play Slideshowjavascript:widget1.playSlideshow()
QRU PageQRU.html
daCapo Music ScoredaCapo_Music_App.html

The app can be used with minimal typing if the information is already in your address book or calendar. I realize most of us users do not really bother to make information in our phones comprehensive, hopefully if the app gains wide acceptance, as we swap contact cards,  the information in the phone will eventually be very substantial. The slide show shows how a few of the tasks are done.

This is a simple slide show to show how easy it is to use the app

Since V 2.0, QRU now features Learning mode and a complete HTML context sensitive help which guides new users every step of the way in using the app. It should be easy to learn QRU by using the app itself.

The current slide show in this page is for v 1.0,

April 10, 2013     QRU v 2.1

QRU Release Notes
Frequently Asked QuestionsQRU_FAQ.html
QRU Main PageQRU.html

QRU Pages