Do not hesitate to register and try it out!

This is a secure demo site that needs to be accessed using this URL:

Do not worry I keep backups and the security / permissions should be enough to keep an ordinarily curious person from affecting the development work -
As a registered user you should be able to register to published events and create and publish photo albums (for those events)- this will change in the near future to media galleries which can accept videos as well (also MP3 recordings if there is a need). You should also be able to delete anything you posted. if not email me:
I am looking for some testers who will wish to be able to create events preferably someone connected to the Philippine Red Cross who can post realistic media (I'm just filching media from red cross sites in the web). I know something about this because I took up the Red Cross trainings a few decades ago to be a Dive Master (Scuba). I have also organised blood donations in the University I attended but these were ages ago and would appreciate any help available.

I am very happy with Drupal which is the CMS this site is built upon. After the Red Cross Demo is done, I will probably rewrite the main to use drupal and host multiple demo sites (which is possible) It will require me to procure non shared SSL to allow to support https - I am currently using the secure144..... which is shared across several hosted sites like my own.

1. Currently working on electronic ticketing to be sent by email. The code I originally wrote to do electronic ticketing has been ported, however I learned later that the original mailing facility that I have been using is not compatible and the past few days were being used in trying and configuring a few of the compatible mail modules.
2. There is a pending issue in automatically generating barcodes - this can be done manually by filling out the barcode contents (the DIN). however the users/ donors should just be issued the barcode after registration - amazingly rules and workflow modules, which can easily generate any kind of text field has issues with barcodes which are images / stored in the DB as text.
3. Cleanup and streamlining of the location / Google map facilities - The Location/Address modules work with Google Maps ands that is ok, however the more usable general purpose module does not do the maps very well and I had to revert to a previous map facility to generate the maps properly - Need to go back at this before proceeding to clone the CPR training registration to First Aid, and Life Saving courses.

(I am already delayed by a few weeks from my improved targets, the difficulty is in making all these 3rd party modules work together - Drupal has over 12000 modules and a lot of them are redundant and coded to a specific scenario, since these are done by volunteers, you'd be lucky to have all of them working properly the first time, in my case I already have a few custom codes - (to generate the DIN (modulo 37-2 check digit) and the electronic ticket) but I am already learning that before this is through, I will probably need to code a redundant generated barcode module - I hope I can still find a way to salvage the existing one).

This is an initial demo with plenty of things for improvement:

Current List of improvements (to do):
1. Multilingual English/Filipino - This site has a translation module based on the Google I18n translation facilities which I intend to activate as soon as my initial demo targets are working and stable.
2. Clone CPR training to First Aid and Lifesaving courses (except for the title, the registration requirement of these courses or any course for that matter is identical except for the title this will happen as soon as I am happy with the CPR course facility.
3. A simple Ipad app to download the list of registrants (and accept new registration if the Red Cross will allow it). Allow checking of attendance by reading the barcode and printing the DIN (Blood donation ID barcode sticker label).
The DIN will be attached to blood bags. The DIN and do not are in the online database (this facility) and downloaded in the tablet which can be used offline.

4. Back end to push the registration data into an iPad tablet.
5. Backend process to destroy electronic tickets after the event or when cancelled.


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